4W’s and 1H for digital signage companies in UAE

All digital signage companies in UAE need to have an agenda. Marketing is a technique that pushes that agenda a little better. Marketing with help of digital signage solutions helps even better. There are various digital signage companies that run in Dubai and least to say, these companies fail to understand the importance of having offered these services in the first place. One needs to understand why marketing is important. Take a look at the 4w’s and 1h of marketing and you will understand every bit of it. Who: The question here is who your target audience is. To elaborate, what are the psychographics and demographics of your target audience? Services like digital menu boards , LED screens etc. are really offered to a limited set of people who really demand these sort of services. You cannot call it a niche market, but a market where demand is less and supply is more. So the key to understand marketing is to know ‘who’ it that you are selling to is? Why: You need to ...