Benefits of interactive touch screen kiosk in waiting room

We all know how boring and frustrating it is to sit in a waiting room. So how about improving the waiting room?
The touch screen technology has now become affordable and accessible to virtually any business. So why have a waiting room that is still so boring that it doesn’t have at least one touch screen interface to keep the people sitting in it occupied.
Managing the waiting room
When a visitor arrives they go to the kiosk to notify their arrival. The kiosk can be used further to guide them to take a seat, or direct them where can they get something to drink. It can also print a survey form or a questionnaire that the visitor can fill while they are waiting in the room. This survey form helps when you need to update information about clients, or if you want a feedback from them.
Once the visitor has checked in, the kiosk can mark them as ‘arrived’ on a diary. After which the interactive kiosk can notify the host of the visitor that he or she has arrived and come to receive them. Or vice versa, the kiosk sends in the visitor when it is their turn, the visitor’s host alerts the kiosk of when they are ready for the visitor to be sent in. The kiosk can be programmed to make an audio sound to draw the attention and then display a message on the screen or on a LED screen to display who is to be served next.
Informative waiting room
Make loads of information available to the visitors. This information can be related to your company or business, the products or services you offer, or some free advice. If it is a doctor’s waiting room then the kiosk can offer health related services. Sharing information turns the visitors wasted time into something informative and productive. If the waiting room is a place where children are visiting frequently than the kiosk can print out interesting and educational puzzles and games to keep the children occupied so that they do not other visitors that are waiting. Information can also be collected by the kiosk through an interactive survey.
Waiting room digital Signage services
When the kiosk is not being used by the visitor, it can be used to display advertisements and videos that can be used not only for entertainment purpose but also for sales purpose after which the visitor would want to enquire about it further. Moving adverts are more appealing to watch rather than a notice board that might contain identical information.
Multi-screen waiting room Kiosk

If there is a busy waiting room where one single kiosk will not be enough to accommodate the traffic, then you can opt for a multi-faced kiosk which enables more than one person to access the kiosk at a time. Additionally, it can be positioned in the middle of the room and offer more digital advertising space than a single screen kiosk. Wherein, one side can be an information kiosk, one with a digital sign and the third side wherein the leaflets and brochures can be kept. 


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