Birthday & Anniversary Announcements on Digital Signage

It won’t be wrong to say that digital signage has many benefits over the traditional print media. Print Media leads to littering, digital signage is opposite as it is electronic. The plus point being that you will never have deal with the clean up once the birthday or anniversary announcement is made. This is one of the reasons that should be considered to announce birthdays and anniversaries on digital signage screens. Animations draw the most of the attention and will make your messages more memorable. Using video, animation or customize the plain text to move across the screen. The main idea is to make your messages as eye-catchy as possible.

Messages will be read on Digital Signages. You only require an engaging digital signage content to grab the target audience attention and a location where in people visit frequently like employee lounge, reception area, etc.

Digital Signage will save time in answering questions. Design the message to display on the digital signage as such that it answers some of the questions that the guests have.

Messages or announcements on Digital screens can’t be erased which usually happens in case of white boards or black boards. You don’t need to be concerned about individuals erasing the messages intentionally or inadvertently.

You can post multiple messages at once. This is one of the biggest advantages of Digital Signages. For Example, the information on an upcoming birthday party can be displayed on the screen for a few seconds following that for an anniversary and so on. Being able to post the messages one at a time makes it easy to accommodate all your guests.

You can easily make changes in the announcements. There are chances that errors can be made, thus if using print media, correcting the error means reprinting which adds to cost, this is not the case with a digital signage.

Control and Remove the announcement as and when you like. Once the event is over or the announcement expires, you can remove it with a click of a button. You can also control which message is to be shown to whom. With traditional print media this is not possible as you need to clean up with the flyers which were posted after the announcement expires and it is not even possible to control who sees the message and who doesn’t when traditional print media is used. 


  1. I really likes your blog and You have shared the whole concept really well. and Very beautifully soulful read! Thanks for sharing


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